  <title><![CDATA[Interstices (paroles)]]></title>
  <link href="http://j.ai.vu.un.son.revolutionsoundrecords.org/index.php?piste=307&amp;e=sources/piste/view" />
  <description><![CDATA[<p>are you running so fast<br />that nothing else catches your eyes<br />all the world around<br />all the past<br />got pointless<br />got meaningless<br />except that little path<br />that just broke through<br /><br />somewhere close enough to see<br />something is calling after me<br />in between the worlds I've seen<br />somewhere right behind the scene<br /><br />now i got through<br />and everything looks different now<br />but still I know<br />nothing really changed<br />I'm just far away<br />far away<br />and I really couldn't reach you<br /><br />somewhere close enough to see<br />something is calling after me<br />in between the worlds I've seen<br />somewhere right behind the scene</p>]]></description>
  <author><![CDATA[dead joshua]]></author>
  <document src="http://j.ai.vu.un.son.revolutionsoundrecords.org/sources/interstice/pistes/dead.joshua/paroles.txt">
  <licence href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.fr"><![CDATA[Creative commons by-sa]]></licence>